Celebrations in times of physical distancing

Celebrating important occasions the right way, in times of social (or better: physical) distancing – how does that work?

Home office and video calls take command of our daily routines. Professionally, but also in a private context, the use of digital media is surging. After all, we need to continue our everyday lives and keep our customary sequences alive as much as possible. Our new way of living, which has struck with covid-19, is full of blurring boundaries:
Perceived boundaries, like the one between work and leisure time. Geographic boundaries like the one between the colleague in the room next door and the customer in their home office, 300 km away from ours. A few weeks ago we would have met them in person for this meeting. The lack of movement from one place to another, from home to the office, or onwards to the gym, is sometimes also questioning our sense of time.
Where is the awareness for the day of the week, the season or the upcoming holidays? And how are we addressing celebrations these days? 

Festivities and rituals provide support, they help us orientate ourselves in the course of the year and guide us when coping with change. The measures for containment of covid-19 show us where to prioritize. The also spar our creativity and help us energetically search new ways of getting in touch with each other.

Let’s make festivities just another occasion to be creative: let’s send presents, write letters, give attention – even if only in a digital way. We cordially invite you:

Share joy with AIYA! 

Claudia Gödke

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